Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

I LOVE KIMCHI!!!!!!!!!!! <3 hahaha I just have to make the official announcement. This week, when my companion was sleeping I was hungry, and without even realizing what I was doing I opened the fridge and was like "hmmm... what should I eat." and grabbed the container of kimchi and sat down and ate that with some seaweed wraps and rice. ( I think that means I qualify for an official Korean!!) The day has finally come!!!

One more thing! I want to give a shout out to my Fort Mcmurray Family!!!! I got your pictures this week!!!!!!!!! You seriously made me so happy! haha ( thanks franny for putting that all together) Here's a picture of me with it before study this morning haha so just ignore my morning clothes :P. BUT seriously! I love you guys so much!! <3 <3 Thank you for all your constant support!

Okay now for the missionary stuff! Last night we had a dinner appointment with one of our investigators and we ate SO much so even now I feel like I'm about to burst. haha It was super good tho. I should get Rachael to just start a separate blog to tell about all the food I eat here and post pictures of it. Seriously I don't think I ever am going to want to eat american food again.

Like I mentioned I am studying the Christ like attributes in the back of chaper 6 of PMG. Today the attribute I studied was #2 "I feel confident that God loves me" - (1 Nephi 11:17- And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless I do not know the meaning of all things.) I thought that was perfect for the lesson I learnt this week!  If I am sure of anything in my life it is that God really does love me. Entirely, my whole imperfect self, on my good days and especially on my bad days. Sometimes I don't understand how He can continue to love us when we continually let him down and fall short - but like Nephi - I don't know the meaning of all things... I just know his love is perfect, I can't comprehend it exactly but I feel it. More than I am sure of anything else in my entire life I know that God loves all of us perfectly. Each day I spend learning of my Savior through this service I am slowly starting to understand what his love must be like. I feel his love for each person I see on the street, my investigators, the members, but especially the other missionaries I work with each day. I know what these missionaries are going through each day and have experienced first hand how challenging the mission can be sometimes. When I see others struggle or having a hard time my heart just goes out to them, I feel for them a portion of the love that God has for each one of us. We aren't perfect- but when I look at these other missionaries trying their best each day, and continually falling short, but then picking themselves up the next day and trying again I see a perfect missionary. Too often we get down on our selves because of our weaknesses and forget about our strengths. It breaks my heart when others don't see themselves the way I see them, they can't see the strong amazing example they are to all those around them because they are so focused on their inadequacy's. ( and I'm SO guilty of this). I am only starting to really understand that God sees us perfectly. He doesn't expect us to be perfect, he knows that we aren't capable to perfection right now. He's not asking perfection, hes simply just asking us to keep going, to strive everyday to be better, to lift those around you and to be happy for goodness sake!!! :D  Life is full of so many opportunities and tender mercies, God wants us to be happy. I think too often it's easy to forget that.

Sometimes people look at Missionary's like we are crazy haha. I had the experience this week where a man I was teaching just couldn't wrap his head around why in the world I would give up 1 1/2 years of my life to just live this boring redundant life day after day. I told him a little bit about what I did before the mission, and my love for traveling and experiencing life- and he was just completely shocked that I would give up all that. He asked how much personal time we get on the mission, and I said" we'll we have 6 hours on p-day, but that is usually spent doing weekly e-mails, letters and shopping". He looked at me like a was crazy. I bore my testimony to him, but he just laughed at me like I was insane and kept saying" I don't believe you", " I know how much you love life, you don't want to be here". The more we talked the less convinced he seemed but the stronger my testimony grew for my desire to be here on a mission. It's a funny thing, and isn't really logical- but I really would give up any chance I've ever had to travel or experience everything I had to serve. There is something indescribable about the blessings and joy that comes through feelings God's love so strong for you the way I feel as a missionary. I feel him working through me to touch the lives of those around me. Each day is hard, I'm changing more and more than is comfortable hahah. But I think thats the point- This mission is supposed to change us. It's supposed to re Aline our desires and show us what really is important in life.

In our Zone Conference this week the Ap's talked about Hamsters that really applied to this experience I had earlier in the week lol. They explained the life of a Hamster, how all they do is eat, sleep, and run on their wheel. Day after day they keep eating, sleeping and running. Why? He does the same thing every day until he dies. He then explained the life of a missionary- We get up at 6:30 every day, Go to be at 10:30. Study every morning, and proselyte every day until 9pm. Some times it feels like the life of a Hamster. Knocking on another door, or walking up and down the same streets, being rejected by another person.
Then he asked, Why? are you a hamster? (I don't know why but this silly example just hit home for me) He then said" YOUR NOT A HAMSTER!  YOUR A DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST.  You have a desire. Your have a purpose. If you ever feel like a hamster remember the feeling you had when you decided to serve a mission. Ask yourselves- Why are you here? Whats driving you? What is your desire?"
There are so many reasons I am serving a mission, like usually I don't have adequate time to write them all out. But I know that Gods loves each and every one of us. I see these people everyday on the streets and feel a love and desire to share with them the happiness and indescribable joy and peace that simple knowledge has brought into my life and I want to share it with them.
My challenge for everyone this week is to ask yourself - What is your desire? What is driving you? What is your purpose? I promise you that those hard days where you are tried of doing the same thing over and over again, or fulfilling your calling and working the the same challenges of the week before, or challenges of parenting or family relationships. Step back for a moment and remember why your doing what your doing? I promise you that if you can find that desire deep down- you found the joy. You found the key.
I testify that God lives and he loves you!
( I love you too ^^ <3 )

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

I can't believe its time to e-mail already!! This week just flew by, I don't even know what happened! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing good! I hear you are all going to Mexico without me, and Dad have fun in Arizona. Leasa, thanks for sending me your talk- super good.

Everyone has been asking me about Korea so here it is!

1) The Food is AMAZING. Yes I have eaten gross things, but to be honest I don't know what they are called haha. I think the one I didn't care for the most was raw crab. I thought that was pretty nasty, but I ate it :)

2) The language is still the same haha. I attempted pass off 3 times, but I'm trying again this week... we'll see how it goes. Each day I feel like my language is getting worse, but my companion says I'm improving a lot and my comprehension is better... either way haha I love it.

3) The weather has warmed up a bit. It's been pouring rain today, but I only have to wear 1 pairs of tights instead of 3 so it feels like summer! :) 

4) Our investigator we've been teaching is really sick right now so we have to put off her baptism tell next week probably, either way shes the sweetest!

5) ENGLISH CLASS!!! I feel like teach English so much here!! at first I thought it was a waste of time, but seriously it works to get investigators. Almost all of our investigators we have are because they wanted to learn English. It doesn't always feel like missionary work because we just have fun and teach English - but we get way more people interested in learning about the Gospel that way than we do door knocking. ( I'm sure if there wasn't as much English my Korean would be a little better haha..)

6) Transfers were this past week! I'm staying here with my companion for at least 1 more transfer! Yay! :) Elder Clawson got transferred out, but we got Elder Smith! I'm excited to get to know him more too- his Korean is SO good.

7) I never have time to do anything! I'm so sorry I haven't been writting letters as often as I would like to. There really is just no time! Just know I love you :)

8) Koreans are so funny! I hope to become Korean some day. ( My life long goal)


Yeah, I don't know what else you wanted to know... I'm still working on getting pictures of the Top 10 strange things about Korea so you'll have to hold on for those till next time!


I'm learning a lot each and everyday. It's not hard anymore, it's just a matter of continually trying to know what God wants us to do and do it. Missionary work is the best. The secret really is work, just forget about yourself and work & love others.

Love you all! 




Korea from a Giraffe's Eye View:

Hurry up and get your little butt to Korea already! <3

Miss you and love you tons.


<3 Sister Sulz

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 13, 2013

So much to learn, so little time. I was reminded myself the importance of relationships in our lives and not to waste a moment.
This scripture helped me a lot this week; 

" As sorrowful yet always rejoicing; 

As poor, yet making many rich; 
As having nothing, and yet possessing all things." 
- 2 Corinthians 6:10

 Thank you for all your prayers, I can see the miracles they are bringing into the work everyday. I really am finding myself by losing myself in this work (Matt 10:39). Each day I'm understanding more fully that as I let go of my pride and desire to do things my own way - God is able to come into my life and take over, It's an ongoing process but as I rely on his strength and have enough faith to let his plans lead my life instead of my own he's able to make so much more out of me than I ever imagined. 

Love you all so much, 
Please don't ever forget that. 
 사랑해요, 이설지 

So much to learn, so little time. I was reminded myself the importance of relationships in our lives and not to waste a moment.
This scripture helped me a lot this week; 

" As sorrowful yet always rejoicing; 
As poor, yet making many rich; 
As having nothing, and yet possessing all things." 
- 2 Corinthians 6:10

 Thank you for all your prayers, I can see the miracles they are bringing into the work everyday. I really am finding myself by losing myself in this work (Matt 10:39). Each day I'm understanding more fully that as I let go of my pride and desire to do things my own way - God is able to come into my life and take over, It's an ongoing process but as I rely on his strength and have enough faith to let his plans lead my life instead of my own he's able to make so much more out of me than I ever imagined. 

Love you all so much, 
Please don't ever forget that. 
 사랑해요, 이설지 

Monday, January 7, 2013

January 6, 2012

Sorry I'm late e-mailing this week! Today isn't our P-day and we had some appointments early this afternoon that ran a little late so I couldn't e-mail till now. Every 6 weeks our P-day is changes to Tuesday so that we can go to the Temple! So tomorrow I get to go to the Temple in Seoul for the first time!!! I'm super excited, it looks so pretty!
This week was SO GOOD!!!! BEST WEEK YET! I wish I could just send you my brain so you could re-live it haha. On Tuesday last week I went on Exchanges with Sister Gardiner from Utah, It was so much fun! We were out in her area which is COUNTRY!! it was so weird to not see large buildings all around me. I feel like she was able to teach me so much, and help me with all the things I've been struggling with. We were able to make a new language study plan together and talk about everything todo with missionary work. She has helped me to love my companion more, and to work more diligently and have fun while doing it.

This week I realized how much fun missionary work is!!! Seriously this week changed the way I've been looking at things. As I strive to find the good in everything the work hasn't felt like work- It's just been fun. haha I also realized that the most important thing is my relationship with my companion. Seriously!! I love Sister Pak and this week everything has been working so much better because I've stopped thinking about myself, and have been putting her first. Shes teaching me so much and I feel like each day I'm learning and growing in ways I never thought I would! But most importantly I'm learning to be patient with myself, and to enjoy each moment to the fullest.

This Gospel is a plan of happiness, so I should be the happiest person in the world sharing it with others, it shouldn't feel like a chore or something impossible. Missionary work is all about serving others and sharing your happiness with them! 

The language is getting better too! I'm finally starting to understand more and more. I still can't speak haha but my companion translates for me most of them time when people look at me like I'm crazy. I'm starting a list of all the funny things I say and the craziness of Korea - I'll send it in a few weeks once I have pictures to go along with everything. I LOVE the members here so much! They are the greatest, they are such a great support to the Missionaries and want to help us in anyway possible. I wish there was more we could do for them. This week we made cute message cards for them! I'll attach a photo :) 

Our investigator is getting BAPTIZED!! :) Her baptismal date is on January 20th. I love her so much!! I'll write all the details in a letter home, I don't want to put too many details about the people here on my blog since I don't have their permission but just know she is amazing and I love her! When she accepted the commitment to be baptized I was overcome with a feeling that she was a part of my family. She is the sweetest little lady ever! I think shes about 80, and just is the sweetest most caring person you've ever seen. Yep thats my big news :) :) 

Life is good, don't worry about me! I'm falling more and more in love with Korea each day. I can't believe how time is already flying by, I just want it to stop so I can soak it all in. Each day the food tastes better, I'm understanding more of the language, and my love for the people is growing stronger and stronger. 

Sister Sulz 
슬츠 자매 

Korea from a Giraffes Eye View: 
Thermal tights are your best friend ;) especially when you wear 3 pairs at once. 

**** Computer won't  upload pictures for some reason, I will add them in this week on my personal computer. - Rachael

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Last Blog post of 2012

Happy New Years Eve!!!
If you haven't taken a moment to sit down and write out your blessings from 2012 do it! Make some goals to improve your life 2013! As a missionary I am becoming to love goals more and more each day, they are so useful as long as we make a plan and follow through with them! Thank you Leasa for sharing Bro. Freedman's talk about refocusing our lives on what matters most. I think it's so true, that as we sit down and really see whats important life seems to be more enjoyable, you see Christs influence in our lives and remember the importance of family and friends. 

Sometimes the only stories we hear from Missionaries are either the ones where they were doing everything perfectly and saw a miracle; or where they were not following any of the rules and something bad happened. You don't here too many missionary's tell the stories of everyday experiences, today I want to share one that taught me an unexpected lesson. 

I learnt that God loves us. Before he asks anything of us he loves us. We all have a "mission" right now whatever it is. Some days we accomplish above any beyond what we are called to do, and some days we allow our inadequacies get in the way. Today I realized that no matter what the day is - God will always be there to pick us up when we fall short. He will give us a second chance and show us our strengths when all we can see is our weaknesses. 

This week God showed me his love for me and by doing so instilled in me a greater desire to overcome my weaknesses, to push harder the next time. I could easily have looked back on this experience with negative thoughts, I could get down on myself for not doing exactly what a perfect missionary would do… but I don't think that's what God wanted. He knows what I am struggling with each day, he knows we are not perfect and that we fall short sometimes and everything I do, he's there waiting to pick me up again and show me his love. He picks me up and motivates me to work harder because of the love he gives. 

( I'm copying it straight out of my journal so the first part is just from previous that morning, but I think it shows kind of what frame of mind I was in prior to the experience.)
 " December 27th 2012, 

Stil sick. I think the hardest part of not being able to speak the language is how much it limits me to fulfill my calling. I have seen the spirit in lessons- but not being able to find out peoples needs, or help my companion with phone calls, or paper work and having her constantly translate for me is discouraging. Today for out 12 week training program we watched the PMG videos and I feel like it's so hard to apply most of it until I learn the language. 

(Later that day )
I think it's amazing how even on days like today where I am sick and feel like I can't speak the language Heavenly Father lifts me and reminds me that there are still people I can serve. Today on our way to the Ward Mission Leaders house I felt like I needed to talk to this one girl on the train, but I was really far away from her, I wouldn't really be able to say anything to her, and I'm super sick. So, sad to say I didn't talk to her and she got off on the next stop. I was feeling kind of bad for not listening to the prompting and thoughts of my many inadequacy's as a missionary were about to creep in when we got to our stop and without thinking I started helping this little old lady carry her bag up the stairs while I held her arm steady. We couldn't say anything to each other - I didn't share a message or give her a card, but the smile and thank you she gave me once we reached the stop of the stairs was one I will never forget. For that moment I felt her spirit and I could see in her eyes that a simple act of service had touched her heart, I felt like a missionary. For the first time since I got here I felt like I was acting as a Representative of Christ. I only spent many 2 minutes with that little old lady - but she taught me how to love despite this language barrier. She reminded me that God called me to serve these people right now. Not just once I can speak the language, he needs me to be a missionary today and it that means simply showing his love through a smile of a helping hand- then thats what I will do. It may not be much, but for now it's all I can give." 

Of coarse there are so many things I can do as a missionary, even with what little language I know I can teach and talk to people. But in that moment of discouragement God reminded me that he loves me. He reminded me that I may not be the best missionary out there, but that I have the ability to love others. By simply sending me that little old lady to serve I was re motivated to work harder in all aspects of my missionary efforts. Sometimes it's easy to be hard on ourselves because of our areas of weaknesses, but this week I realized that as we recognize our strenghts, they can help us over come our weaknesses. 

God always works through love, he doesn't want us to be discouraged. The more I look for His hand in my life there more and more I realize that He really is with me each and every day. 

With all my love, 

Sister Sulz 

Korea from a Giraffes eye view!
1) I got your package this week!!!!!!! You are seriously the best! I love the story you sent me!! I'm going to type it out on here so everyone can appreciate it! I'm going to send you a letter today right after I e-mail, so expect one in the mail soon!

2) The little cafe we e-mail in is the best… haha Spice girls just came on. You would love it here! 
3) My advice for this week, is get to know the members!! THEY ARE AWESOME!!! You won't be able to understand what they say most of the time, but seriously the members here in my area are like my family.

'My Precious Child, 

I remember well the day you left my side, wandered through the veil, and ventured forth to fulfill your earthly mission. I had a tear in my eye as I clothed your spirit in a cloak of love and sent you off to school. 

Be assured that my thoughts are with you now, as always. I love you with all my heart, I know you individually. I know the good and the bad, your grief, your disappointments, your unrewarded efforts, your frustrations and temptations; but always remember… All that I have is yours, if you will only come home again. 

Please realize that my children are worth more to me than anything else. In you I have placed a bit of heaven. There were no exceptions. I love al my children. You have a special gift, some talent, some part of my in you. Search for it, develop it, use it, and most importantly share it with others. Show your love for me by serving your brothers and sisters and leading them to me. 

Continually listen to others who are trying to teach you my gospel and incorporate it into your life. Try to humble yourself and repent of your mistakes. Your older brother and friend, Jesus Christ, came down to earth and lived a perfect life. All that he did was for you. He suffered and died so that you could repent and come back home. We love you more than words can express. 

I gave you weaknesses so that you can be humble; don't be angry with me for that. I did it because I love you. Always be full of hope; don't let discouragement overwhelm you. I am here and will come when you need me. Try to bring peace into your homes and friendships. It breaks my heart to see  my children fighting. You, my faithful child, are my hope. You have been saved for this special time in history for a reason. I trust you to be valiant and strive to accomplish the special mission that I gave you before you left me. I will help you in anyway that I can. I am always nearer to you than you realize. There is so much that I long to share with you. 

Come to me in prayer often. I love to talk to my beloved children. Be diligent in my work and my kingdom shall be yours. I would love to take you in my arms and embrace  you with my love, but I too much wait patiently. Until that day, when I will see you again, I leave with you my peace, my blessing and my love. Never forget that I am here if you need me. 

My love for you is unconditional and endless. I miss you very much and long for you to return to our eternal happiness. 

All my love, 

Your Heavenly Father' 

 The street she walks on every day.
 In the Metro.
Typical Street View

View from Apartment window.

Christmas Post!

So much happened this week, I've seen so many Miracles, but I wanted to just share my Christmas experience.
I cannot express how great it was to beable to talk to everyone on Christmas!! Thank you for being so great and making my Christmas one I will never forget, i really have ome to have a grater understanding of the true meaning of Christmas in ever aspect. In our Christmas conference they talked about how the spirit of Christmas really is the Spirit of Christ; the spirit of love, joy, hope, service, and compassion. I am filled with a grater desire to develop my realtionship and understanding for my Savior and how deeply his life has influenced mine. My first Christmas expereince away from home has allowed me to take of my "blinders" of all the fun of Christmas and see more clearly the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas morning, according to my usual Christmas expereinces didn't feel like Christmas at all when I first woke up. My alarm went off at 6:30 as usual, I said my prayers got up, went to the bathroom and my little korean appartment felt pretty much the same as anyother morning. There was no pretty lights, big Christmas tree, Fireplace, family, mountains of gifts, or much snow. We didn't have any Christmas movies to watch or games to play. After we opened our few gifts our families had sent us, we sat on the kitchen floor there thinking about what to do for our Christmas morning, we decided there was one thing we could do. My companion and I, wrapped up in blankets sang a christmas hymn together and read the Christmas story from the book of Luke. We then had an amazing spirit come over us as we discussed the Saviors role in our lives, and how eventhough this Christmas morning was so much more simple that others we had experienced our minds were taken back to how simple the first Christmas morning was. Before the shepards and wise men arrived, it was just Mary and Jospeh with their new baby in a small manger. That simple night brough the greatest miracle into the world that has forever changed the world. We had no christmas movies to watch, so we decided to watch "the lamb of God" church video about Christs life. I was again reminded of the impact Christs simple life has made on the world, on the night of his birth he brought light into the world with a new star, throughout his life every person who came in contact with him was lifted up, was blessed and instiled with a greater light of hope and faith. Through his atoning sacrifice his light has been made personal into each of our lives daily. Through him we are able to find light and happiness admist all the trials that we face each and everyday, we are able to recieve forgivness for our mistakes, and able to feel the peace and hope that comes through the sacrifices he made on our behalf. Because of the simple night he came into the world, he was able to die and was ressurected so that we can all experience his light into eternity. 
How grateful I am for that simple christmas morning so many years ago. I am grateful for the opportunity I had this christmas morning to be wrapped in a blanket with my sweet Korean companion to spend a moment remembering our Savior and how much of an impact he has made on my life. 

After calling we went out into the cold and street contacted all afternoon, it was SO COLD! But I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Christmas, than to be out amongst Gods children sharing this message of his Gosple. I am the luckiest girl in the whole world to beable to spend each day learning and understanding who my Savior is, and the sacrifices he has made for me. I am continually seeing the blessings that this service has made on my life and the life of my family. Sometimes it feels like I am being blessed far beyond the people who I am called to serve. Each day is hard, an I feel sometimes like I am being pushed to capacity, but over and over again I am reminded that I am not alone. He is with me, he has sent me angels to bear me up when I feel like I cant go on any longer. When I feel like it's harder than I can bear, I remember my Savior, and the sacrifice he has made for me. He made it possible for me to over come the challenges I face, as I continually rely on him I really can accomplish anything. 
I pray that this Christmas season we can all remember our Savior, and try our bests this upcomming year to learn more about him, and try to live our lifes in away that allows us to become more like him. Elder Holland quoted "Like Christmas, "the Kingdom of God is within you"- Luke 17:21". I know that as we strive to become more like our Savior, and to truely understand what his life meant, our lives, and the lives of our families will be blessed more than you wil beable to count. 

I just want to leave you with the 4th verse of my favorite Hymn, I feel like it sums up the way I feel about my Savior. 

I believe in Christ; he stands supreme!
From him I'll gain my fondest dream; 
And while I strive through grief and pain, 
His voice is heard: " Ye shall obtain"
I believe in Christ, so come what may, 
with him I'll stand in that great day
When on this earth he comes again to rule among the sons of men. 

( I belive in Christ #134 in English, #70 in Korean) 

Korea from Giraffes eye view: 
Hey Girl! I hope your Christmas is an amaing one, know I love you! This Christmas eve we spent it playing a traditional korean game with out english class and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! ( eat as many as you can while your in american because they are a treat here lol!) I love you and miss you. Remember to pack lots of warm clothing! Korea winters are FREEZING! <3 
 Elder's in District on the Metro

 With Santa in the Mall. (sorry that it is sideways. maybe i'll change it later.)
 English Class on Christmas Eve

All the sisters in the mission.