Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, 2012

I have probably the funniest roommates ever! I absolutely love them. ( remind me to tell you some crazy stories about them when I got home, I don't know if they would want them to be up on my blog! :P ) This week was weird! It seems like I was e-mailing just yesterday, but looking back on the week I feel like so much has happened~!

SO! It snowed this week! haha it was the pretty kind that melts within a few hours :) A few of my elders in my district were SO excited haha, they had never seen snow falling before. I though that was pretty funny. So we went out side and took pictures!

Every Tuesday it seems we get to hear from someone who spoke in conference! This week was the Echo-Hawks! they are so sweet, after they spoke I was able to go up and meet them, ( his wife especially was AMAZING!) she talked to me for probably 10-15 minutes, and then gave me a news paper clipping from desseret news saying that the amount of missionary applications have jumped 471%!!!!!!!! Thats Awesome! I also ran into the Drews cousin here at the MTC and she told me that Holly was planning on serving a mission!:) I'm super excited for all the future missionaries! What a fun time to be serving.

Every saturday we teach in the TRC, where real native Koreans come and we get to teach them in Korean. This week was so much fun! Sister Wood made me bear my testimony in the middle of the lesson with no notice!!! But I did, and the spirit was so strong!! some of my grammar was a little bit off, but it was amazing to see how such a simple testimony in Korean can invite the spirit.

I don't have much time, so I'll share a story real qucik! ( theres always so much I want to say but not enough time on these computers!!)
On Wednesday one of my teachers Sister Wasworth shared a personal experience that really hit home for me.

She said that through her whole mission she always felt inadequate ( she served in the Seoul mission too) She felt like  she didn't knwo the language as much as she would like to, and that often many of the missionaries from america faced many trials that continually humbled them and tested their faith.

she shared with us a scripture that her mission president shared about the missionaries in Korea and testified of how much  the Lord loves them. ( D&C 19-23.. but especially 23)
" That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers" .

It was a reminder to me that this is the way the Lord wants his gospel to be taught. - By the  weak and simple. If the Lord wanted it to be done by the mighty, powerful, boastful people who have great intellect and strength he would have called them.

But he called me, because he wants this work to be done by me and evern though I am weak and simple, that is exactly what he needs.
- It's amazing that the more inadequate I feel I am in the language or being a missionary- the more Adequate I become.

I really have been humbled over and over again morning and night. But everytime I feel weak or simple, he makes me feel strong and builds me up to press forward valiently with and ever stronger desire to acomplish what he has sent me here to do. The power and beauty of being weak and simple is that he can use weak and simple missionaries in ways that just doesn't work with pride. I see it everyday- that as I become prideful with my abilities and lose focus of my purpose Hevenly Father can no longer use me. But as I humble myself, and aline my will with his - he is able to make me much more than I am.

I may be weak and simple, but the Heavenly Father I am stronger than I could ever imagine being!
My time is up, but I just wanted to quickly thank everyone for all the love am support of my being on a mission.

It's amazing how much you can learn about yourself, and about life in such a short period of time when you pay attenton to the spirit.
I would encourage anyone who reads this to allow the spirit into your life more fully, to strive to build a stronger relationship with God, and to continually make the changes in your life to invite happiness and light! Life if hard. But it doesn't have to be that hard! There is so much joy that can enter your life once you allow Christ in to lift some of your burdens.

Thank you for the letters!!!
p.s- Side not to my family, since its going to cost alot to send things to Korea and I only have 5 weeks left in the states.. if anyone wants to send me some thick stockings:) or fun knee-high socks that would be pretty great! I under estimated how cold Korea winters will be in a skirt.

Thats all for now!
Love you all! :)
If there is anything I can do for any of you let me know! ( I sent home a bunch of lettes last week, I hope you got them! )

 Basking in the temporary snow.
 Tori's Roomates

Sister Sulz <3 ^-^

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

At long last.... PHOTOS!

Hey guys, Tori just sent me a MILLION photos today from her time in the MTC so far. Some of them you may recognize from her past blog posts. For example, she talks about the day her district wore all blue, and now we have the picture of that.

And here are the photos!

 This first photo is Tori's favorite teacher in the MTC. Brother Prendly. He sure looks friendly.
 Tori and some "Canadian Friends". I don't really know what that means, except they are Canadian.
 The district out for a walk around the temple.
 Tori and somebody. Maybe he looks familiar? I can't remember what her caption was of this. I'll check and fix this.
 Her companion's family sent them matching necklaces that say "I am a child of God" on them. Also, she cut her hair, although maybe it is hard to see in this picture.(also, note the messy bed)
 Tori and more Canadians.
 Bowing for her majesty.
 They love Korea already.
 The day the district wore blue.
 Mailing letters.
 Her and companion with their hair matching and cutsie.
 Studying Korean/ PMG all the live long day.
 The box of Sunshine her friends mailed her. So happy to get a package. (also, note the messy bed behind her. tsk tsk)
 Tori ran into Elda. Dupont, and some other dude that I don't know. Also, don't be freaked out that her hand looks chopped off. I have confirmation that it is actually fine, and just blurry.
 Studying Korean is so much fun.
 The Canadian ties were a big hit. When there is no hockey season, what do you do? Put on a maple leaf tie and try to appear cheerful. Although, I am pretty such they don't care much about hockey.
Tori and Elder Freeze. Anybody know him? I sure don't, but he likes to cruise around the bookstore from time to time.

October 23, 2012

Hello Family :)
Its official! We have moved up in the MTC life, and are now the " Older District". The older group of Korean Speakers left early yesterday morning and we are getting our new group on the 31st! Everything is good here, most days are hard- but all are fun :)
I was reading in 2 Nephi 24 yesteday where Nephi is discouraged because of his iniquities & because he is letting things get to him. However admists his trials all he says is, you know that- I trust the Lord. No matter what happends, and even though days are hard - I trust Him. That really hit me because being on a mission is hard. Learning Korean is hard. learning to work with a companion is hard. But in the end the only thing that matters is that I trust my Heavenly Father and I know that with him I can do anything. I know that my call to Korea was directly from him, and I may not know why exactly or who it is that I need to help- I trust that he does. I trust that he knows I will struggle with the language- but he has a purpose behind it. I trust that there is something I need to learn from every experience I have. And that in its self makes me not worry about anything. I trust Him- so I'm going to work as hard and as diligently as I can each day, love everyone I meet and strive to do what he would have me do, because thats what he needs me to do. I trust him to help me, and he trusts me to work!!
This week was a rollercoaster!! I was able to hear from Elder Bowman, and Sister Ann Dibb ( President Monsons Daughter!.. I even gave her a hug)
Here are some quotes I wrote down from Elder Bowmans Fireside:
- When you think the mission is going to be hard- when its hard- it wont seem as hard :P
- Burn yourself out on the mission- it's not a marathon- it's a sprint
- Recieveing the spirit is not a one time event- it's a life long process
- If your Almost Obiedient you Almost get he blessings
- The Book Of Mormon doesn't need us. We just need to get it into the hands of the people and the Lord will do the rest.
Sister Ann Dibbs was Amazing! It amazes me how the General Authorites really are just everyday people - It makes me appreciate my relationship wih my Heavenly Father that much more. I realized how real he is in my life! It's hard to explain the closeness I feel to him being on a mission. He really is with me, I can feel him and can see his hand in my life eachday. He speaks to me and I can sence him listening to each prayer I say.
Quick Experience from this week :
On Wednesday my companion and I were teaching our investigator, and I felt like this lesson was going to be Awesome! We had alot of time to prepare our Korean outline and I felt pretty good about it. Well as I've learn't, things hardly ever go as planned.. The lesson completely fell apart, and I left the lesson feeling discouraged and self critial. I felt like crying - but I didn't, in stead that night I knelt by my bed and prayed with my whole heart that Heavenly Father would help me to speak the Korean Language. I know that he can do anything, and if I work as hard as I can- and have enough faith He will give me the gift of tounges. I felt the spirit around me - comforting me and telling me that he was aware of my struggles and would help me.
Friday was my next lesson with this particular investigator and my companion and I were going over our lesson in Korean earlier that morning. I couldn't seem to pronouce the words correctly or remember what Grammar forms to use - but I diligently kept practicing and studying. When the time came to teach I still didn't feel prepared, I hadn't been able to get through a topic without messing up. But before we went into the lesson I prayer that the spirit would guide me to know the words that I needed to say. In the Lesson my companion was amazed that by some miracle I was able to say practically everything perfectly! I was overcome with a Love and appreciation for God's hand in my life. The gift of tounges is real- and in that lesson I saw God working through me to give me the ability to speak clearly. I obviously have SO much work to do, and I'm still making thousands and thousands of mistakes every day- but I know that as I am diligent and work hard - The Lord will help me. It's such a good feeling to be reasured of God's love and awareness of me.
Korean is hard - I struggle with it everyday. It's hard- but its through those hard days that make me stronger. Being on a mission is like a rollercoaster- really! Some days are harder than you ever imagined, but others are the happiest days of my life. Heavenly Father really knows how best to teach me, and by humbling myrself and working through the tough times - he blesses me more than I ever could imagine! I am filled with so much love and apprecition for my Heavenly Father, and how much he teaches me every day. I know that he loves me- I feel it more evidently here than I ever have before. I know that he's there at the door knocking- and we only need to turn the handle and let him in. He will be there in the though times to give you small miracle and tendermercies to help  you pick up and keep going.
I'm so greatful to be here on a mission, there really is no place I'd rather be. I love being a missionary, I love learning and growing and being stretched in ways I have never been. But I trust in God. I know there is a purpose for my experiences. And I  know that what I am learning now is preparing me for something else.
Life is good :) There is so much Joy to be felt if we only are diligent enough to keep pushing through the hard days, let God take over your life and you will see miracles.
I love all of you and appreciate all the love and support I've recieved on my mission so far. I am greatful for your prayers and love and letters ^_^ .
I'm trying to attatch pictures- but I don't seem to know how to do it... I'm trying tho! haha You will have some soon I promise!
With all my Love,
Sister Sulz

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16, 2012

What a week!
There has been so much going on this week its been incredible!
1) Elder Bednar came and spoke to us on Tuesday!
2) Sister Burton came too! ( General Relief Society President )

3) We got more details for whats going to happen with the new announcement of missionaries! :)
Now before I get started, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm sorry I haven't been sending indiviual e-mails, and I realize it may feel like I'm forgetting about you- BUT I'm NOT! I want to beable to write everyone, however I only have 30 min to e-mail and often it takes me longer than that just to check my e-mails. So by doing a "Blog" entry, this is my way to make sure everyone can hear from me. I also e-mailed everyone my e-mail address before I left on my mission and the only people who have e-mailed me are mom, leasa, rachael and dad. I don't have anyone elses e-mail addresses ( or addresses). If you want a letter PLEASE send me a quick dear elder with your address in it. That way I know how to get ahold of you! Otherwise keep checking in on my blog.

SO This week was pretty great ( to say the least). When I say I'm having a good time at the MTC it doesn't really justify how amazing it is to be here. Everyday I am edified, uplifted, taught, humbled, and motivated to work harder. There are so many things I need to work on! But being here at the MTC is like taking every spiritual expereince I've every had and experienced or that day you learn't an important gospel truth and it sunk deep into your heart, an became a part of who you are. Its like taking all those moments and putting them back to back & experiencing them ( but different and new principles) all day everyday! I'm learning and growing alot here. They say that the MTC is what will give you the strength to get you through the hard days on your mission, and they Mission your MTC for life! That during those hard days after my mission, as I look back and re-experience spiritual highs from my mission I wil beable to continue to push through challenges and relight my enthusiasm for serving others and living the gospel.

Okay! Now for the fun stuff! ELDER BEDNAR came and spoke to us on Tuesday!!! It was really good! He focused on Conferene, and how we can adapt better study habits. It was more of a workshop, but I felt like needed to hear what he had to say. He encouraged us all to study the words from conference, because if we don't and someone askes us about what our modernday prophets have said and we don't know the answer, it's as if we don't believe. So we have to work at knowing what is being taught to us, and study it out :)

He also talked about how God will further his work when he wants to. And he wants to now. ( concerning the change for ages of missionaies)
I Love seeing general authorities as real people, they are so amazing and real. haha. She spoke to us on sunday for relief soceity and it was amazing! I don't have my notes with me but take my word for it, she is an amazing woman! I am so grateful shes been called to serve all of us! ( She also served in Korea! ^_^)

Okay so, I've been wondering whats going to happen with this huge change of all these new missionaries coming in! Where are they going to go? Is there room for them at the MTC??

We were told that all mission training times will be cut down by 1/3! So Missionaries going english speaking will go from 3 weeks in the MTC to 2 weeks. 9 weekers will go to 6 weeks ( so anyone speaking spanish or french etc) and the 12 weekers ( me :P ) will be cut down to 9 weeks. This change won't effect me, BUT he wanted to let us know that we were called at this time because we will be the ones training all the new missionaries. If you think about how many girls are putting in their papers- in 3-4 months there could possibly 2x the amount if girls. That means in missions where there are 12 sisters, there will now be 24 more that need to be trained. Most likely alot of us will be training directly following our first 12 weeks in the field! THAT IS HUGE!!!!! Especially for Koreans! Normally you don't start training until you have learnt the language enough to be the senior companion and actually speak to people. SO this means I have to step it up! I need to pray for the gift of tounges and work harder at the language! I know that if Heavenly Father needs me to learn faster I can as long as I give everything I have to him.

Its going to be hard with this change! but I know as I spend all my free time ( which isnt much) studying the language I will beable to speak to ther people in Korea.
As usual I'm out of time before I could finish everything I wanted to say! once I'm in the field I PROMISE everyone will get more personal letters and information about what I am doing. If you want specific questions answered please dear elder me ( WITH YOUR RETURN ADDRESS) and I will write you a hand written letter back.

Love all of  you so much! Thank you for you support and love!
p,s- JENN YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! Thank you so much for the package! <3
With all my love,
Sister Sulz

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

!!*! OH MY GOODNESS!!!*!!*
AHHHHHHHHHHH !!! :) :) :) :) <3<3<3<3 (: (: (:
To put into words the amount of joy which filled my soul the moment President Monson announced that girls everywhere can serve missions at the age of 19! I was overcome with a love and fire to personally invite every girl everywhere to drop what you are doing and get your butt on a mission!

As the announcement was made ( being in a HUGE auditorium packed with Missionaries) an enormous out break of Joy was audibly heard and piercingly felt in each missionaries heart, to such an great amount that brought myself and all the sisters serving with me to tears. In that moment I felt how our spirits must have felt in the pre-existance when God announced the plan for us to come to earth and we "sang together and shouted for Joy!" :) ( Job 38-7)
My heart shouts for Joy in love for my Heavenly Father and the miracle which took place in this conference! To think of how much this is going to change the world is a great reason to rejoice!

I know that as our Young women fill the earth, as missionaries called by our Heavenly Father they will not only out number the Elders- We will make is possible for places to open up to missionaries that currently cannot because of the lack of missionary numbers. I believe with all my heart that this is an answer to my prayers. I know that as we strengthen our " Troops" and double our sizes as missionaries places like China will soon be opened!
Someone once told me that its not China that isn't ready for us, its that we aren't ready for China. It is my testimony that as our Young Women and Men are worthy and go out and serve out God; This will be the start of one of the most influential periods of time. Things are rolling, the Gospel is coming forth and the truth of God is going out rapidly to all the world.

I would dare challenge every person I know to come until Christ and become worthy to serve God. To serve those around you, and if applicable to start your papers to serve a mission TODAY. Don't look back on your life and regret that you didn't do everything possible to help others come into Christ. .... I know that a mission is the best thing for any young women or young man. I have only been a missionary for 4 weeks, but is has been the best weeks of my life. There is nothing that compares to being a full time missionary!

I am so grateful that I am able to be a part of this great and marvelous movement. I am filled with an overwhelming amount of peace and appreciation for Heavenly Father. I am so glad he waited until I was in the MTC to make this announcement, because I know I would have dropped everything at 19 and served! BUT with the Lord I know there are no coincidences. I know that I am supposed to be here right now~! If I would have come 2 years earlier I would not have met the people I am going to meet, or built the relationships I have these past 2 years. There is no way I could be who I am today without all those people who have influenced my life over the last little while in my life. I was meant to be serving at this time, in this mission, for these people.

That being said, NOW is your time!:) For whatever reason I needed to wait, BUT you are being called now to serve with me! Please listen to your heart, and if there is any desire to serve please Follow it!! And Don't look back! I know that President Monson was directed to make this announcement for a marvelous cause, and we are a part of that! STEP UP and stand tall as a Representative of Jesus Christ in these Latter Days!

( side note: And Elder in my Zone just said: " ... The saying won't be " Will you wait for me? " any more.... it will be " Don't wait for me!.... Serve with me!" Haha :P)

I testify that Jesus is the Christ! That this is the truth in its fulness, and our way back to him is through his Gospel.
I sincerly plead with everyone I know to come until Christ, to find that peace and rest you seek for. make those changes you know you need to make and find the Joy and Happiness that comes through the atonment . This seriously is the best day of my life! I would stay a missionary forever if Heavenly Father needed me to. I desire every person I know to experience the same joy I feel now....

Especially my family and close friends who have fallen away from the Church. I wish to express how my heart aches when on days like today I am filled with so much love and enthusiasm for God and his plan, and to not have the people I love most have their hearts swell within them as mine does now. I only want you to feel Gods love and the happiness it has brought into my life. I know you can feel it in your life too. Please give him a shot, open up your hearts to the possibilities of being taught. I promise you the spirit will touch your hearts! I know as you take those simple steps to come unto Christ he will guide you and comfort you.

Everything I have experienced every trial I've gone through has strengthened my love and desire to serve. I've noticed that too often I have stood by on the sidelines watching the people I love make choices and decisions that have hurt them spiritually. I didn't ever say anything because I wanted to love them for who they are, rather than what they do. I love all of you more than I could physially express with words. But I've learnt that part of my needs to step out there and stand strong in y beliefs. I don't want to regret not sharing my testimony with you. I am here now, making a promise and commitment that for as long as I live I will testify of the impact Christ and his Gospel has make on my life for good.

I am openly Boldly standing as a witness that God is real, that he is our Heavenly Father and that through Jesus Christ we really can over come ANYTHING and become free from sin, sadness, heavey burdens, heartaches, and our joys can be made more real.
My teacher Brother Pendly noticed how whenever there is a spirital moment in class I close my mouth and just write down the thoughts and impressions I recive. Yesterday he bore testimony of the importance of opening your mouth and sharing those thoughts and feelings. He said that " What your thinking might be the answer to someone elses prayers". This really hit me because so often I learn truths and recieve understanding but I keep it to myself. I've done this my whole life and I just wonder how many times I missed out on being an answer to someones prayer because I chose not to open my mouth.

Pendly was talking about opening my mouth in a classroom setting, but it stuck a cord deeper in me. I realized that the promises I Was given are conditional on me opening my mouth and sharing those experiences with others. To allow the spirit to enlighten understanding, build faith and strengthen your testimonies. God has blessed me with an ability to feel the spirit and understand. But it will all go to waste it I cannot share it with others. - To help build them up through my experiences.

Please give him a chance. I know he will not let you down. I know this because believe it or not I've had hard days. I've struggled. I've felt alone, and even here in the MTC I've had my rough days with learning the language. But HE has NEVER left me alone. He is my rock, My redeemer, and I know that if you let him into your life he can be yours too.

I hope this letter isnt taken the wrong way, I only wish to invite the spirit to touch your hearts. To have the desire to re kindle that relationship with God, starting simple with Prayer. He want to help you, he loves you. Please reach out to him. The gospel is going forth and nothing is going to stop it! As we are strictly obedient miracles happen, and this is a HUGE miracle.
I can see how prepared we are to serve. Our families, institutes, and stakes are preparing worthy youth to serve as a part of the Army of Helaman- To bring the world his truth! And its not going to stop until the work is finished!

I love all of you so much, and am so grateful for the opportunity and privilage of being able to serve a mission. I have seen so many miracles in such a short time. I know God lives.

With all my love,
Sister Sulz