Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012

I can't believe I've been in Korea for 2 weeks already! This is insane.
This week was a lot harder thats for sure! I've been struggling with the language more and more each day it seems. My sweet companion reminded me that Heavenly Father is probably just teaching me the lesson of patience. Haha the saying really is true that Asian speaking missionaries learn patience and humility on their missions. I haven't had any problems adjusting to the food or anything, its spicy if you make it spicy so as long as I don't putt too much spices in it I'm fine :) 

My companion cooks korean food often so I get that daily :) Mostly just different soups and lots of rice and Kimchi! We've been able to go out to eat at a few Korean places so far where we all sit on the ground, but most of the members houses I've been to have tables to eat up to. My area is called Bupeoung it in Incheon, I heard that the people are a lot nicer here than in Seoul so I feel blessed! We had a sisters conference this week at the Preidents house, it was a lot of fun! We learn't about the importance of enjoying the Journey, and embracing changes and let challenges change ourselves for the better. Often we are afraid to stretch ourselves, but if we don't stretch ourselves and let the trials and changes make us better people then we simply are just enduring each day until it passes. ( and lets be serious, thats not fun for anyone). 

I'm still learning each and everyday that I need to rely on God more and stop worrying about my own abilities, I'm sure it will be a lesson I'm going to have to keep re-learning each and every day. It's funny because before my mission I felt like I knew how a mission was going to be, I though it would be more about helping others come unto Christ - but so far it's been about personally learning how to do it. I am learning more and more about how I need to change and be more obedient and let God take over my life. It's a hard thing to fully trust God enough to put yourself into uncomfortable situations that will stretch you and hurt. Even though each day is harder than the day before, I am grateful for them because I am learning more and more each day. ( Of coarse thats easy to say on P-day where I don't have to worry about anything too much :P ) 

Miracle of the week: 
Yesterday after church our appointment cancelled on us, I was frustrated with the language, and my companion wasn't feeling good. We both didn't really feel like going out and talking to people on the street, but we did because we needed to! The people seemed to be more rude that afternoon, and we weren't having any success. After a while I said a prayer that I could just have the spirit with me, that I could make it though the afternoon. Sometimes all it takes is a little prayer and God will show you miracles. A few minutes laster we decided to talk to this lady riding a bicycle, and she did not want to talk to us at all! But as soon as we turned around, being rejected again, this lady ran up to us with a HUGE smile on her face! She was so excited to see us, and was so grateful to run into us again. Apparently we had talked to her a few days earlier and she had lost out number, she was afraid she would never see us again and was so grateful to run into us. I don't know if anything will happen because of it, but it was a tender mercy from God. I learn't that even though we weren't having any success, and we were both having a rough day- because we were obedient and did what we were supposed to do at that moment, God placed us in the path of that lady. It reminded me that even though I may not feel adequate enough, as long as I am obedient and go out everyday, God will do the rest. 

Christmas is Next week! I hope all of you have an amazing Christmas, and remember Christ in your life. I've only just starting to appreciate how important family is in our lives, I wish I would have spent more time with all of my family and friends more the past few years rather that traveling and working. They are really the thing that matters most! I love all of you, and am grateful for your support!! 

<3 Love Always, 
Sister Sulz. 

P.s- I'm sorry I haven't responded to all of your letters yet, if you could do me a favor and send me your addresses... maybe send them to my sister Rachael Robertson and she can forward them to me so that I can respond, I accidentally sent most of my letters home without taking down the addresses first :( Opps. 

Korea from a Graiffes Eye view: 
Thank you for the E-mail!!! you are such a sweet heart! Here are some fun things about Korea: 
Fun Facts: 
1) There are 7 Elevens and Baskin Robbins EVERYWHERE!

2) Men spit on the street all the time. 
3) HUGE scarfs are super popular! 
4) I totally saw a Korean man with a sweet mullet today :P BEST! 
5) In all the churches there are little " chalk brush" cleaners... and I though they were toasters? hahaha My companion laughed forever when I told her that. 

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